Consultancy Services

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One-on-one Consultancy
One-on-one consultancy is an intensive training program designed specifically for an individual’s needs to improve his/her productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency at all levels.

Group Consultancy
Group consultancy is an intensive training program designed specifically for a group of people dedicated to the same goal (e.g., professionals in the quality control department in an MD or IVDMD company) to improve their productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency at all levels.

Realization of Tests and Trials
To translate their products into the clinic by eliminating waste of time and money with accurate and fast solutions thanks to our strong scientific and technical expertise, we are providing high-quality scientific support to the MD and IVDMD manufacturers from preclinical to post clinical stages to conduct tests and trials according to the international standards.

Preparation of Scientific Reports and Technical Files
On behalf of MD and IVDMD manufacturers, we are preparing scientific reports and technical files needing strong scientific and technical expertise to summarize the necessary data collected in the course of developing MD and IVDMD products, which are required to be submitted to regulatory agencies for the approval process.

Please contact us for the high-quality scientific/technical/regulatory consultancy, reporting, and filing services you may need.

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